amethyst crystal point

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do you ever feel like the outside world is influencing your peace of mind? use your calming amethyst crystal point to help transmute negative energy into positive. you can keep this high frequency healing stone around you to bring spiritual protection + divine connection.

place an amethyst crystal on your work desk for clear focus + one on your mantle for sweet, purifying energies in your living space!

  • each amethyst crystal point is approximately 1.5" width x 2" high.
  • each piece varies.

amethyst is a high frequency stone of spiritual protection + purification + can transmute negative energy into positive. this crystal cleanses the aura, balancing the physical, mental, + emotional bodies, helping them connect to the spiritual. it silences thought, helping one open to intuition + higher spiritual connection while staying protected, cleared, + centered. amethyst assists in focus + decision making + enhances creativity, passion, + deeper connection in relationships.

crystals are for love and well-being and not to be used in lieu of medical treatment or professional counseling. click here for full disclaimer and a link to our sources.