charoite crystal pendulum

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this charoite crystal pendulum is the perfect divination tool for healers + empaths. use your charoite crystal pendulum to empower yourSelf while strengthening energetic boundaries + intuitive clarity.

    charoite pendulum approximately 1" x 1/2".
  • each piece varies.

charoite helps one release blocks + acclimate to + ground higher energies into the physical realm. it assists in recognizing one’s highest potential, path, + power in service to the earth + highest good of all. one will know they are protected. charoite helps keep energetic boundaries in place in order to not confuse one's energy with others’, bringing clarity to intuitive information. this makes it a wonderful stone for empaths + those who do healing work.

a pendulum is a divination tool that must be used wisely. it is believed that spirit + our higher selves often communicate through our subconscious, which, in turn, will move the pendulum when we ask questions. however, in order allow clear communication when using the pendulum, you must clear any blocks or thoughts about which way you want the pendulum to move. be sure to surround yourself + anyone else with a golden-white protective light, + always be clear that your intentions are for the highest + best good. when you learn to use a pendulum, it can be a valuable + fun tool to communicate with your higher self, subconscious, + spirit; working with emotions, memory, + belief transformation!

crystals and divination tools are for love and well-being and not to be used in lieu of medical treatment or professional counseling. click here for full disclaimer, information sources, and a link to our crystal, symbol, + animal medicine descriptions.