chrysocolla polished stone

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chrysocolla polished stone. a stone of sacred sound + empowerment of feminine energies. it links the heart, throat, + base/root chakras + emanates gentleness + power.

you are wise + exude gentle power + life force energy. you communicate from your true Self like a sacred song, sharing the gifts of both sound + silence.

  • turquoise + blue chrysocolla stone; approximately 1" x .5"
  • each stone will vary in size, shape, colors, + pattern

chrysocolla emanates gentleness + power + is the stone of all aspects of sound healing, facilitating expression of the heart through all forms of sound, whether through words spoken or sung, or other sacred sound frequencies. this empowering stone stimulates + links the heart, throat, + base/root chakras for clear connection to inner wisdom + flow of powerful life force energy + vitality. it cleanses + opens the throat chakra allowing access of wisdom to communicate the heart’s deepest truth + the mind’s highest knowledge with gentleness + precise expression. chrysocolla encourages sharing one’s true self with freedom, spontaneity, eloquence, + reverence, without ruse or masks. meanwhile, it keeps one open to share wisdom from experiences + also learn from others. chrysocolla is also a stone of empowerment of feminine energies in both women + men.

crystals are for love and healing and not to be used as a replacement for regular medical care or counseling. click here for full disclaimer and a link to our sources.