frog charm replenishing necklace

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your frog charm replenishing necklace reminds you of the power of your own voice + creative powers to shine + live in abundance! let the power of the frog help shake loose + wash away what no longer serves your highest + best good!

  • sterling silver frog pendant approximately .5" x .5"
  • choose from 16" or 18" snake chain or 16" or 18" fancy ball chain (1mm sterling silver)

frog represents abundance, fertility, + prosperity on all levels. beginning life in the water, frogs offer cleansing, healing, clarity, + protection, + knowing when it’s time to relax, refresh, purify, rejuvenate, + replenish the soul. they tell us to appreciate tears + all that which cleanses the soul for rebirth. take time for self, rid of distractions, + cleanse from one’s life that which brings negative it old patterns + murky emotions, or that which does not support serenity, replenishment, + joy. frog helps cleanse these energies, create boundaries, + bring about clear, positive energies. water is also “superconductive”, tapping into other elements of reality, awakening creative energies, + bringing in powerful energies of new life + frog gives support + energy where needed. frogs are also a master of the power of sound, as the frog’s call, the ribbit, sings to father sky for the powers of sound vibration (thunder) + cleansing waters (rain). frog opens one to the ability to speak well + without fear; with a confidence + eloquence that has the power to encourage others to participate in new beneficial endeavors. frog is flexible, adaptable, independent, empathetic, balanced (particularly in conscious + unconscious mind), + enjoys change. let frog assist in the awakening of new, creative powers of your own voice + sharing your hidden beauty + power!

this information is gathered for your enjoyment! for more information on animal totems, crystals, + symbols, along with a link to our sources, click here!