rhodochrosite stone

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your sweet rhodochrosite stone aligns to the frequency of love + wholeness. rhodochrosite is comforting + inspires self-love, so you can blossom into the self you were born to be. bring forth the talents, gifts + joys that are your birth right!

  • rhodochrosite stone; approximately .75" x .5"
  • each stone will vary slightly in size, shape, color, + pattern.

rhodochrosite is devoted to self love, compassion, + forgiveness. it brings reconnection to the playfulness, joy, + magical happiness of a child that feels safe + loved. this sparks creativity + the will to play, pursue dreams, + create one’s reality. this stone inspires one to act on one’s heart knowledge without fear, expressing love + affection. it aligns to the frequency of love + wholeness, allowing one to blossom into the self one was born to be!

for more detailed crystal information, check out our totems, crystal, + symbols page.

crystals are for love and well-being and not to be used in lieu of medical treatment or professional counseling. click here for full disclaimer and sources.