selenite crystal higher self beaded bracelet

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wear your selenite crystal higher self beaded bracelet, + stay connected to your higher planes of inner experience. let the loving energy of angels emanate all around you, unify with your inner senses + higher levels of self, + bask in peace + purity!

telepathy can also be enhanced between those holding pure vibration selenite, so these sweeties are perfect for you + your loved one!

  • selenite beads approximately 5mm.
  • selenite is a soft stone with a hardness of only 2. be gentle with this sweet stone and remove when showering. over time, the stone can dissolve if it gets wet often.

selenite is one of the most powerful stones for the new earth vibration as it quickly clears, opens, + activates the third eye, crown, + etheric chakras. it links to the light body, helping to anchor it in the earth vibration, allowing communication + union with the higher self + awakening of interior senses. this connects one to higher planes of inner experience + opens communication with the higher realms of angels + guides.

selenite is excellent for cleansing the auric field + dissolving any negativity, energy blockages, + debris from one's physical body, etheric body, + energy field. it can cleanse energy from stones + jewelry, + amplify or blend many stones energy together. wonderful for and meditation, calming selenite brings clarity + instills deep peace. selenite stimulates the emotional body + compels one to overcome stagnation + move forward with one’s life. telepathy can also be enhanced between those holding pure vibration selenite.

crystals are for love and well-being. they are not to be used in lieu of medical treatment or professional counseling. click here for full disclaimer and link to our information sources.