selenite crystal pyramid

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pull in positive energy + unify with your inner senses + higher levels of self with this selenite crystal pyramid! bring the power of the pyramid + high vibe selenite crystal into your everyday life with this power piece.

  • selenite crystal pyramid; approximately 1.25" base + 2" height
  • selenite is a soft stone with a hardness of only 2. be gentle with this sweet stone, + don't get it wet.
  • due to the nature of crystals, each piece will vary slightly.

the pyramid, made of four equilateral triangles on a square base, is a great mystery full of mathematics + symbols. the four-sided square represents all directions and a solid foundation. the triangle has three points, representing true wisdom. it has a solid foundation,+ with ascension to the top, is less condensed, has pure air, is lighter, easier to maneuver, + easier to see all sides. at the top, it is limitless. the pyramid has been said to represent rebirth + death, light + shadow, + the passage from ignorance to knowledge + from darkness to light. it is also said to represent the unity of body + divine self, + alliance of heaven + earth.

pyramids shaped objects are known to have metaphysical, health-assisting, + preserving powers, + have been used since ancient times for these purposes. they are said to produce negative ions + direct electromagnetic energy from the around the earth. pyramids are powerful tools for focusing positive energy as the point pulls in universal energy + the four sloping sides are said to emit + focus the positive energy while neutralizing the negative.

selenite is one of the most powerful stones for the new earth vibration as it quickly clears, opens, + activates the third eye, crown, + etheric chakras. it links to the light body, helping to anchor it in the earth vibration, allowing communication, union with the higher self, + awakening of interior senses. this connects one to higher planes of inner experience + opens communication with the higher realms of angels + guides.

selenite never needs cleansed or recharged as it constantly doing so, which makes it a great tool for purification!

it is excellent for cleansing the auric field + dissolving negativity + energy blockages from one's physical body, etheric body, + energy field. selenite can be used to direct high-frequency energy into the body, stimulating healing + bringing a freer flow of energy through the higher + etheric chakras, facilitating connection + communion with the higher self + beyond. it stimulates the emotional body + compels one to move forward with one’s life + overcome stagnation.

using your selenite:

use calming selenite in meditation to bring clarity + instill deep peace. use a selenite crystal pyramid to focus on specific positive intentions in your meditation

selenite creates a peaceful atmosphere + is excellent for energy grids. create a protective grid by placing it outside around the home or inside the corners of the home.

telepathy can be enhanced between those holding pure vibration selenite.

place a selenite wand upon the back, along the length of the spine, to achieve an energetic alignment of the vertebrae + chakras.

selenite can cleanse energy from stones + jewelry, amplify stones energy, or blend many stones energy together.

unify with your inner senses + higher levels of self + bask in peace + purity!

crystals are for love and well-being and not to be used in lieu of medical treatment or professional counseling. click here for full disclaimer and a link to our sources.